Some Essentials to Keep in Mind While Designing an Ideal Home Page

Web developers are always coding or decoding their way to that perfectly running website. It’s a job that most people find incomprehensible. Every website is at first judged by its home page by the visitor, the reader or simply put, the audience. Having it judged by the visitor, it is important to have the homepage look spot on. The best of ideas get ignored if the look and user-friendly appeal is not found on the very first page of the website. As a full service website development and designing agency, BrandBerry Marcom lays out some spot on ways in which you can design your homepage and generate better traffic, all driven by the looks-

Understand the meaning of crafting your homepage –

Creating a homepage for a website is far more than applying stock images and themes and textual content, precisely about making it connectable for the visitors. It does not however, mean that you can afford to lose out on the aesthetic finish. For inviting visitors to your page, you should also think in terms of why should one come to you in the first place? Seek answers to why they come to your website and why should they keep coming back and what information they are looking for? These factors will help you as a web designer, to create personas for the users, creating visitors paths, and making impressive call to actions for website visitors convert into leads, sales, and generate revenue.

Make first impression with design and definition –

Generally, a website homepage consists of colors and fonts, built-in page builders, short codes, various different sliders, mega menus, portfolios, shopping carts, forums, landing pages, pop up boxes, etc. but it may not be all that your visitor may find attractive. Defining while designing a home page is the most essential thing you do in web development. Your homepage is a critical point from where on a visitor wants to delve into other gateways of our webpage. Making the homepage is therefore, most critical to sustain the visitor’s journey on your website. Give them hooks and sought after information than just colorful exhibition. You can’t eliminate negative first impressions.

Make goals and design themes accordingly –

First ensure what are the needs of your website, its goals and targets and then chose judiciously a theme that fits all the bills. Is it giving proper brand exposure, offering subscriptions, giving leads, showcasing warm prospects, and is offering actual sales? You also need to know who exactly your target market is.  Are you giving them solutions to their problems or not? Depending upon the brand you represent and products you offer, making the website user friendly with an effective UI sans complexities is what you should aim for.

Making navigation a sail-able territory –

Any visitor of your website, post finding your front page attractive would like to take the next step, it would be to visit other pages. One pager websites are too in trend, but multi pagers are too in existence. The visitors would like find easy way out reach the next page. Give them that ease in roaming and finding information on your website.

Do not forget to introduce yourselves on the front page –

It is not a novel, it is your website and its homepage should also contain your “who we are” section. The information you give should be brief and succinct while de-cluttering the page.

Have a simple wireframe-

It means to have a simple structure prepared for your design. Have it firstly draw on paper and then idealize it to revive it online. It helps you stay rooted to the needs of the visitors than finding yourself lost in the glitz of designing a modern architecture for a webpage. It is about finding a theme that is relatable to your visitors.

Matching your theme with a simple wireframe and a populated content is all that you will be left with while creating a rock solid home page that is not just pretty but also sufficing the purpose a visitor is looking for.

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